SchoolDoc EMR Software Demo

Hannah Baker
8 Min Read

Designed by school nurses and directors, our secure and easy-to-use web-based solution manages health forms, allergies, medications and illness/injury tracking throughout the year. SchoolDoc is designed by doctors, school nurses and directors to streamline injury and illness tracking for schools. 

Create reports on any piece of data you collect, whether it’s a list of students with food allergies or the lunch medication schedule. Find answers instantly and take action. 

Get Started Now 

Whether you’re looking to build a health center or just want to streamline your school’s processes, you can get started right away. You can access your data anytime and create reports instantly. For example, you can easily create a report of all students with food allergies or all the students who take medications at lunchtime. Simply pick the questions you need, filter them by group and you’re ready to go. 

With a built-in electronic medication administration record (eMAR) module, SchoolDoc is designed by doctors, school nurses and directors to streamline injury and illness tracking for schools. It features medication alerts, real-time trend analysis, allergy reports, online registration and more. It also offers a travel and emergency medical protection plan for organizations to safeguard their students against unforeseen injuries or illnesses. Pricing is based on an annual subscription and support can be obtained via phone or email. It also allows institutions to accept payments through different methods including credit or debit card processing. It’s the perfect solution to streamline your school’s health center and keep kids healthy! 

Access Your Data Anytime 

SchoolDoc is the leading electronic medical record (EHR) & online registration system designed by physicians, school nurses and directors to help schools manage health forms, allergies, medications, immunization records, and injury and illness tracking. It also has an impressive array of features, including medication alerts and reporting & analytics. 

Whether you’re a parent, school nurse or director, SchoolDoc is the perfect way to improve student healthcare in your school. It’s easy to use, secure and offers the latest in functionality. Schedule a demo to see how it can save you time and money while making your life easier! With the ability to check transfers, accept payments, and create and manage patient accounts, SchoolDoc will be a part of your school’s success. The best part? You can access your data anytime from anywhere. 

Connect with us 

Designed by school nurses, doctors and directors, SchoolDoc EMR Software Demo is an all-in-one system that streamlines injury and illness tracking, as well as manages health forms, allergies and medications for students. Its built-in electronic medication administration record (eMAR) module enables users to access student medical information in real-time. Other features include health log templates, medication alerts, real-time trend analysis, allergy reports, reporting & analytics and a student portal. The application also allows institutions to check transfers and accept payments through various methods including debit or credit card processing. 

With a single sign-on (SSO) integration with Blackbaud products, schools and educational institutions can create SchoolDoc accounts without having to re-enter login information. Additionally, SchoolDoc offers a free online registration system for auxiliary programs such as field trips and summer camps. Plus, a travel and emergency medical protection plan helps safeguard children against unexpected injuries and illnesses. Pricing is available on an annual subscription basis and support is extended via phone, email and other online measures. 

SchoolDoc EMR software is an electronic medical record system designed specifically for school clinics. This software aims to provide school administrators, nurses, and doctors with a comprehensive solution for managing student health records. In this article, we will take a closer look at the SchoolDoc EMR software, its features, and how it benefits school clinics. 


SchoolDoc EMR software offers a range of features that help streamline the process of managing student health records. Some of its key features include: 

Health record management: SchoolDoc EMR software enables school clinics to maintain complete and accurate health records of all their students. This includes information about their medical history, allergies, medications, immunizations, and more like emedicalpractice software. 

Online health forms: With SchoolDoc EMR software, schools can create and manage online health forms that parents can fill out and submit electronically. This saves time and reduces the amount of paperwork that school clinics need to manage. 

Appointment scheduling: The software allows school nurses to schedule appointments with doctors and other medical professionals. This helps to ensure that students receive timely medical care when they need it. 

Medication management: SchoolDoc EMR software allows school nurses to manage the administration of medications to students. This includes tracking medication doses, scheduling reminders, and generating reports. 

Communication: The software provides a communication portal that enables school nurses to communicate with parents, doctors, and other medical professionals. This helps to ensure that everyone is on the same page when it comes to student health. 


The SchoolDoc EMR software offers several benefits for school clinics. Some of the most notable benefits include: 

Improved efficiency: By digitizing student health records and automating various tasks, SchoolDoc EMR software helps to improve the efficiency of school clinics. This saves time and reduces the workload for school nurses. 

Better record-keeping: The software enables schools to maintain complete and accurate health records of all their students. This makes it easier for medical professionals to diagnose and treat illnesses and injuries. 

Improved communication: SchoolDoc EMR software provides a communication portal that enables school nurses to communicate with parents, doctors, and other medical professionals. This helps to ensure that everyone is on the same page when it comes to student health. 

Improved student outcomes: By providing timely medical care and ensuring that students receive the medications and treatments they need, SchoolDoc EMR software can help to improve student outcomes and overall health. 

Cost savings: By reducing the amount of paperwork and streamlining various tasks, SchoolDoc EMR software can help schools save money on administrative costs. 


In conclusion, SchoolDoc EMR software is a powerful tool that can help school clinics manage student health records more efficiently. By digitizing health records, automating tasks, and providing a communication portal, the software helps to improve efficiency, record-keeping, communication, student outcomes, and cost savings. If you are a school administrator, nurse, or doctor looking for a comprehensive solution for managing student health records, then SchoolDoc EMR software is definitely worth considering. 

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